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What a Fira Analysis gives you

What a FIRA Analysis gives you header

A great starting point to increase profits or cash by £100k+” 

“I spent over 20 years in top companies, like Innocent Drinks and Williams Lea, identifying changes to operational process and business models that resulted in increased profit or cash generation.

I found starting with a FIRA analysis was an invaluable short cut to identify the best steps to take.”

Jess Coles

Where is your increased cashflow hiding?

Do you have underperforming products hiding in your product range?

Are you generating a similar level of sales from your investments in Plant and Machinery?

Does your business model leverage your staff cost base effectively compared to your competitors?

A FIRA analysis creates focus on the areas in your business that will make the biggest difference

Improving business valuation - time and energy are precious
improving business performance FIRA competitors

Benchmarking Performance

Understand the strengths of your competitors’ businesses

Identify the most valuable questions your business should answer

Objectively assess the performance of your business

Create a clearer focus on what to improve

Analysis of up to 5 UK based competitors with sales of more than £10m

Our Financial Training & Business Results

Chartered Accountant FCA (EY trained)

Corporate Treasurer (AMCT)

20 years in commercial finance roles in top companies finishing at Group Finance Director

39:1 average measurable value creation vs costs of employment over 7 years

Over £50m in cash generated

Specialised in high growth and turnaround business opportunities

Jess Coles FIRA Analysis - why we can help 1
Experienced Investors FIRA Improving business valuation

Experienced Investors

Investor in multiple Publicly Listed and Privately Owned Businesses (Angel Investor)

Top Ten Investor in product businesses such as Momo Kombucha, Scrumbles and Real handful

15 years of investing and analysing businesses

Management of seven figure investment portfolio

JC ICAEW Membership Card

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