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Analytical Tools

Solutions for businesses

Analyse the health of different areas of your business with our easy to use tools


Find hidden cash in your business

Check you are using your business’ cash well. Don’t allow too much cash to be tied up in stock, debtors and creditors. Use our CashBuilder Calculator to quickly check your if your business is using cash efficiently. If not, you will know where to focus your efforts to release more cash.

Chose the Right Pricing Strategy for You

Our Pricing Strategy Selector provides a great reference guide to explore seven pricing strategy options. You can follow a decision tree or explore the pros & cons of each pricing strategy to find out when best to use each pricing strategy.

Don't Lose Money on Discounting Again

Don’t give too much profits away through discounting and make a loss again. No more time consuming calculations. Use our Discount Checker to quickly and easily check the volume uplift needed for a profitable discount campaign.

Quickly Identify Issues with Your Pricing

It can be so easy to miss out on profit growing opportunities when pricing your products and services. If your volumes are growing more quickly than your revenues, you may be losing money through one or more pricing issues. Use our Pricing Issues Identifier to check your pricing is working.

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